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2 months ago
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Elevate Your Website with ThemeCraft


A modern, blazing-fast WordPress theme for professionals

+ ThemeCraft WordPress Theme Preview

Premium Features


Lightning Fast


Optimized for maximum performance


Fully Responsive


Perfect on all devices




Easy to modify and adapt


SEO Ready


Built with SEO best practices


Simple Pricing


ThemeCraft Pro

  • Lifetime Updates
  • +
  • Premium Support
  • +
  • All Pro Features
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  • Use on Unlimited Sites
  • +



    Premium WordPress themes for professionals.



      Changed around line 1
      + buildHtml
      + baseUrl
      + metaTags
      + editButton /edit.html
      + title ThemeCraft - Premium WordPress Theme
      + style.css
      + body.html
      + script.js
      Changed around line 1
      + #
      + Website generated by Claude from prompt: create a website that is selling a wordpress theme it should look very nice. do not use react or tailwind. it should be mobile ready (hamburger menu if on narrow screen). it should have a sticky header navbar. include the css in a style tag and javascript in the page as well if needed so there is only 1 file.Loading...
      Changed around line 1
      + document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
      + const hamburger = document.querySelector('.hamburger');
      + const navLinks = document.querySelector('.nav-links');
      + hamburger.addEventListener('click', () => {
      + navLinks.classList.toggle('active');
      + hamburger.classList.toggle('active');
      + });
      + // Close mobile menu when clicking outside
      + document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
      + if (!hamburger.contains( && !navLinks.contains( {
      + navLinks.classList.remove('active');
      + hamburger.classList.remove('active');
      + }
      + });
      + // Smooth scroll for anchor links
      + document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="#"]').forEach(anchor => {
      + anchor.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
      + e.preventDefault();
      + const target = document.querySelector(this.getAttribute('href'));
      + if (target) {
      + target.scrollIntoView({
      + behavior: 'smooth'
      + });
      + // Close mobile menu after clicking
      + navLinks.classList.remove('active');
      + hamburger.classList.remove('active');
      + }
      + });
      + });
      + });
      Changed around line 1
      + :root {
      + --primary: #4A90E2;
      + --secondary: #2C3E50;
      + --accent: #E74C3C;
      + --text: #333333;
      + --light: #F5F6FA;
      + --transition: all 0.3s ease;
      + }
      + * {
      + margin: 0;
      + padding: 0;
      + box-sizing: border-box;
      + }
      + body {
      + font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, 'Segoe UI', Roboto, Oxygen, Ubuntu, Cantarell, sans-serif;
      + line-height: 1.6;
      + color: var(--text);
      + }
      + .navbar {
      + position: fixed;
      + top: 0;
      + width: 100%;
      + background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95);
      + backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
      + padding: 1rem 2rem;
      + display: flex;
      + justify-content: space-between;
      + align-items: center;
      + z-index: 1000;
      + box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
      + }
      + .logo {
      + font-size: 1.5rem;
      + font-weight: bold;
      + color: var(--primary);
      + }
      + .nav-links {
      + display: flex;
      + gap: 2rem;
      + list-style: none;
      + }
      + .nav-links a {
      + text-decoration: none;
      + color: var(--text);
      + transition: var(--transition);
      + }
      + .nav-links a:hover {
      + color: var(--primary);
      + }
      + .cta-button {
      + background: var(--primary);
      + color: white !important;
      + padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
      + border-radius: 5px;
      + }
      + .hamburger {
      + display: none;
      + flex-direction: column;
      + gap: 6px;
      + cursor: pointer;
      + }
      + .hamburger span {
      + width: 25px;
      + height: 2px;
      + background: var(--text);
      + transition: var(--transition);
      + }
      + .hero {
      + padding: 8rem 2rem 4rem;
      + text-align: center;
      + background: linear-gradient(135deg, var(--light) 0%, #fff 100%);
      + }
      + .hero h1 {
      + font-size: 3rem;
      + margin-bottom: 1rem;
      + color: var(--secondary);
      + }
      + .hero-buttons {
      + display: flex;
      + gap: 1rem;
      + justify-content: center;
      + margin: 2rem 0;
      + }
      + .primary-button, .secondary-button {
      + padding: 1rem 2rem;
      + border-radius: 5px;
      + text-decoration: none;
      + transition: var(--transition);
      + }
      + .primary-button {
      + background: var(--primary);
      + color: white;
      + }
      + .secondary-button {
      + background: transparent;
      + border: 2px solid var(--primary);
      + color: var(--primary);
      + }
      + .feature-grid {
      + display: grid;
      + grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(250px, 1fr));
      + gap: 2rem;
      + padding: 4rem 2rem;
      + }
      + .feature-card {
      + padding: 2rem;
      + text-align: center;
      + background: white;
      + border-radius: 10px;
      + box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
      + transition: var(--transition);
      + }
      + .feature-card:hover {
      + transform: translateY(-5px);
      + }
      + .price-card {
      + max-width: 400px;
      + margin: 2rem auto;
      + padding: 2rem;
      + text-align: center;
      + background: white;
      + border-radius: 10px;
      + box-shadow: 0 5px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
      + }
      + .price {
      + font-size: 3rem;
      + color: var(--primary);
      + margin: 1rem 0;
      + }
      + .features-list {
      + list-style: none;
      + margin: 2rem 0;
      + }
      + .buy-button {
      + display: inline-block;
      + padding: 1rem 2rem;
      + background: var(--primary);
      + color: white;
      + text-decoration: none;
      + border-radius: 5px;
      + transition: var(--transition);
      + }
      + footer {
      + background: var(--secondary);
      + color: white;
      + padding: 4rem 2rem;
      + }
      + .footer-content {
      + display: grid;
      + grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(200px, 1fr));
      + gap: 2rem;
      + max-width: 1200px;
      + margin: 0 auto;
      + }
      + @media (max-width: 768px) {
      + .hamburger {
      + display: flex;
      + }
      + .nav-links {
      + display: none;
      + position: absolute;
      + top: 100%;
      + left: 0;
      + width: 100%;
      + background: white;
      + flex-direction: column;
      + padding: 1rem;
      + text-align: center;
      + }
      + {
      + display: flex;
      + }
      + .hero h1 {
      + font-size: 2rem;
      + }
      + }