Changes to

Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
58 minutes ago
updated microverses.scroll
Changed around line 14: We rely on scopes, and experiments, and symbols to map the territory.
+ I gave these microverses names: Hairfield, Bloodland, Mitotown, Viralworld, Proteinplace, Moleculeville, Atomboro.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 hour ago
updated microverses.scroll
Changed around line 14: We rely on scopes, and experiments, and symbols to map the territory.
- And that just gets us to the atomic level. But there are more lands we still cannot see.
+ And that just gets us to the atomic level. But there are many more lands beyond that we cannot see. It may be closer to the beginning than the end.
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 hour ago
updated bipolarKeto.scroll
Changed around line 45: I still have a ton to learn but I wanted to share this simple book scan in case
- printRelated Bipolar
+ printRelated BipolarEnergy
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 hour ago
updated bipolarKeto.scroll
Changed around line 45: I still have a ton to learn but I wanted to share this simple book scan in case
- printRelated bipolar
+ printRelated Bipolar
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 hour ago
updated bipolarKeto.scroll
Changed around line 44: I still have a ton to learn but I wanted to share this simple book scan in case
+ # Related reading
+ printRelated bipolar
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 hour ago
updated censorship.scroll
Changed around line 1
- title Censorship on Reddit is probably deadly
+ title Censorship on Reddit is likely deadly
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 hour ago
updated censorship.scroll
Changed around line 1
- title Censorship on Reddit is Killing People
+ title Censorship on Reddit is probably deadly
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
1 hour ago
Changed around line 44: I still have a ton to learn but I wanted to share this simple book scan in case
+ ### Update 3/13/2025
+ I did a second scan through these books for the word "mitochondria", and only 2 books had hits: "Manic-Depressive Illness" (2007) by Goodwin and Jamison and Biomarkers In Bipolar Disorder (2022). Brain Energy, by Chris Palmer in 2022, really was wildly novel with its clear finger pointing at mitochondria.
+ ***
+ # The Data
Changed around line 1
- SearchGroup KetoMentions Title Edition Year Author Category Focus Amazon
- 1 0 Mastering Bipolar Disorder: An Insider's Guide to Managing Mood Swings and Finding Balance 1 2008 Kerrie Eyers and Gordon Parker Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide 2 2010 David J. Miklowitz Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Bipolar Disorder For Dummies 4 2023 Candida Fink and Joseph Kraynak Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder 1 2006 Julie A. Fast Self-help Bipolar
- 1 3 Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder 2 2023 Julie A. Fast and John Preston Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Bipolar Workbook 2 2015 Monica Ramirez Basco Self-help Bipolar
- 2 0 Madness: A Bipolar Life 1 2009 Marya Hornbacher Biography Bipolar
- 2 0 An Unquiet Mind 1 1995 Kay Redfield Jamison Biography Bipolar
- 2 0 Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament 1 1996 Kay Redfield Jamison Biography Bipolar
- 1 0 Bipolar II: Enhance Your Highs, Boost Your Creativity, and Escape the Cycles of Recurrent Depression 1 2006 Ronald Fieve Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder 2 2012 Julie A. Fast Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Bipolar II Disorder Workbook: Managing Recurring Depression, Hypomania, and Anxiety 1 2013 Stephanie McMurrich Roberts and Louisa Grandin Sylvia and Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Raising a Moody Child: How to Cope with Depression and Bipolar Disorder 1 2004 Mary A. Fristad and Jill S. Goldberg Arnold Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Bipolar Teen: What You Can Do to Help Your Child and Your Family 1 2007 David J. Miklowitz and Elizabeth L. George Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Your Child Does Not Have Bipolar Disorder: How Bad Science and Good Public Relations Created the Diagnosis 1 2011 Stuart L Kaplan Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Bipolar Child: The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood's Most Misunderstood Disorder 3 2007 Demitri Papolos and Janice Papolos Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Bipolar Kids: Helping Your Child Find Calm in the Mood Storm 1 2008 Rosalie Greenberg Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Bipolar 101: A Practical Guide to Identifying Triggers, Managing Medications, Coping with Symptoms, and More 1 2009 Ruth C. White and John D. Preston Self-help Bipolar
- 2 0 Sure, I'll Join Your Cult: A Memoir of Mental Illness and the Quest to Belong Anywhere 1 2023 Maria Bamford Biography Bipolar
- 1 0 The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Bipolar Disorder 1 2009 Sheri Van Dijk and Zindel V. Segal Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Depression and Bipolar Workbook 1 2020 Chris Aiken Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Rock Steady: Brilliant Advice From My Bipolar Life 1 2018 Ellen Forney Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Preventing Bipolar Relapse: A Lifestyle Program to Help You Maintain a Balanced Mood and Live Well 1 2014 Ruth C. White Self-help Bipolar
- 2 0 Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me: A Graphic Memoir 1 2012 Ellen Forney Biography Bipolar
- 1 0 The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today 1 2003 Julia Ross Self-help Moods
- 1 0 Practical Management of Bipolar Disorder 1 2010 Allan H. Young and I. Nicol Ferrier and Erin E. Michalak Self-help Bipolar
- 2 0 Depression, the Mood Disease 1 2006 Francis Mark Mondimore Self-help Depression
- 2 0 Practical Psychopharmacology 1 2021 Joseph F. Goldberg and Stephen M. Stahl Reference Psychopharmacology
- 1 0 Clinical Handbook for the Management of Mood Disorders 1 2013 J. John Mann and Patrick J. McGrath and Steven P. Roose Reference Moods
- 1 0 Bipolar Disorder: An Information Guide 2 2013 CAMH Bipolar Clinic Staff Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Break the Bipolar Cycle: A Day-by-Day Guide to Living with Bipolar Disorder 1 2008 Elizabeth Brondolo Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed 1 2012 Janelle M. Caponigro and Erica H. Lee and Sheri L Johnson and Ann M. Kring Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Concise Guide to Bipolar Disorder 1 2022 Francis Mark Mondimore Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Everything Health Guide to Adult Bipolar Disorder: A Reassuring Guide for Patients and Families 1 2014 Dean A Haycock Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Bipolar Disorder: Insights for Recovery 2 2003 Jane Mountain Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Two Bipolar Chicks Guide to Survival: Tips for Living with Bipolar Disorder 1 2014 Wendy Williamson and Honora Rose Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 A Brilliant Madness: Living with Manic Depressive Illness 1 1993 Patty Duke and Gloria Hochman Self-help Manic Depression
- 1 0 Manic-Depressive Illness 2 2007 Frederick Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jamison Textbook Manic Depression
- 2 0 Mood Genes: Hunting for Origins of Mania and Depression 1 1999 Samuel H. Barondes Reference Manic Depression
- 1 0 Managing Manic Depressive Disorders 1 1997 Ved Varma Self-help Manic Depression
- 4 Yes Nutrition and Diet Therapy Reference Dictionary 4 1996 Rosalinda T. Lagua and Virginia S. Claudio Reference Diet
- 3 Yes The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet 2 1996 John Mark Freeman and Millicent T. Kelly and Jennifer B. Freeman Self-help Epilepsy
- 3 Yes Epilepsy: Problem Solving in Clinical Practice 1 2000 Steven C Schachter and Dieter Schmidt Self-help Epilepsy
- 3 Yes Treating Epilepsy Naturally: A Guide to Alternative and Adjunct Therapies 1 2001 Patricia Murphy Self-help Epilepsy
- 3 Yes Ketogenic Diet Therapies for Epilepsy and Other Conditions 7 2020 Eric Kossoff and Zahava Turner and Mackenzie C. Cervenka and Bobbie J. Barron Self-help Epilepsy
- 3 Yes Epilepsy Across the Spectrum: Promoting Health and Understanding 1 2012 Institute of Medicine Reference Epilepsy
- 1 0 Healing Depression & Bipolar Disorder Without Drugs: Inspiring Stories of Restoring Mental Health Through Natural Therapies 1 2006 Gracelyn Guyol Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Natural Medicine Guide to Bipolar Disorder: New Revised Edition 2 2011 Stephanie Marohn Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Bipolar Disorder Answer Book: Professional Answers to More than 275 Top Questions 1 2007 Charles Atkins Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Bipolar 2: Creating The Right Bipolar Diet & Nutritional Plan to Deal with Bipolar Type II Today 1 2015 Samantha Rose Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Tao of Bipolar: Using Meditation and Mindfulness to Find Balance and Peace 1 2013 C. Alexander Simpkins and Annellen M. Simpkins Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Bipolar Advantage 1 2006 Tom Wootton Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 The Homeopathic Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar and Other Mental and Emotional Problems: Homeopathic Alternatives to Conventional Drug Therapy 1 2012 Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert William Ullman Self-help Bipolar
- 2 0 When Screams Become Whispers: One Man’s Inspiring Victory Over Bipolar Disorder 1 2021 Bob Krulish and Alee Anderson Biography Bipolar
- 1 0 Surviving Manic Depression: A Manual on Bipolar Disorder for Patients, Families, and Providers 1 2005 E Fuller Torrey and Michael B Knable Self-help Manic Depression
- 1 0 Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for You and Your Loved Ones 4 2020 Francis Mark Mondimore Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Owning Bipolar: How Patients and Families Can Take Control of Bipolar Disorder 1 2018 Michael G. Pipich Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Understanding and Loving a Person with Bipolar Disorder: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion 1 2018 Stephen Arterburn and Becky Lyke Brown Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder 1 2000 George T. Lynn Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0.3 Understanding Bipolar Disorder: The Essential Family Guide 1 2020 Aimee Daramus Self-help Bipolar
- 1 0 Bipolar, Not So Much: Understanding Your Mood Swings and Depression 1 2017 James R. Phelps and Chris Aiken Self-help Bipolar
- 2 0 Burn Rate: Launching a Startup and Losing My Mind 1 2022 Andy Dunn Biography Bipolar
+ SearchGroup KetoMentions MitoMentions Title Edition Year Author Category Focus Amazon
+ 1 0 0 Mastering Bipolar Disorder: An Insider's Guide to Managing Mood Swings and Finding Balance 1 2008 Kerrie Eyers and Gordon Parker Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide 2 2010 David J. Miklowitz Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Bipolar Disorder For Dummies 4 2023 Candida Fink and Joseph Kraynak Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder 1 2006 Julie A. Fast Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 3 0 Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder 2 2023 Julie A. Fast and John Preston Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Bipolar Workbook 2 2015 Monica Ramirez Basco Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 0 Madness: A Bipolar Life 1 2009 Marya Hornbacher Biography Bipolar
+ 2 0 0 An Unquiet Mind 1 1995 Kay Redfield Jamison Biography Bipolar
+ 2 0 0 Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament 1 1996 Kay Redfield Jamison Biography Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Bipolar II: Enhance Your Highs, Boost Your Creativity, and Escape the Cycles of Recurrent Depression 1 2006 Ronald Fieve Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder 2 2012 Julie A. Fast Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Bipolar II Disorder Workbook: Managing Recurring Depression, Hypomania, and Anxiety 1 2013 Stephanie McMurrich Roberts and Louisa Grandin Sylvia and Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Raising a Moody Child: How to Cope with Depression and Bipolar Disorder 1 2004 Mary A. Fristad and Jill S. Goldberg Arnold Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Bipolar Teen: What You Can Do to Help Your Child and Your Family 1 2007 David J. Miklowitz and Elizabeth L. George Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Your Child Does Not Have Bipolar Disorder: How Bad Science and Good Public Relations Created the Diagnosis 1 2011 Stuart L Kaplan Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Bipolar Child: The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood's Most Misunderstood Disorder 3 2007 Demitri Papolos and Janice Papolos Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Bipolar Kids: Helping Your Child Find Calm in the Mood Storm 1 2008 Rosalie Greenberg Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Bipolar 101: A Practical Guide to Identifying Triggers, Managing Medications, Coping with Symptoms, and More 1 2009 Ruth C. White and John D. Preston Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 0 Sure, I'll Join Your Cult: A Memoir of Mental Illness and the Quest to Belong Anywhere 1 2023 Maria Bamford Biography Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Bipolar Disorder 1 2009 Sheri Van Dijk and Zindel V. Segal Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Depression and Bipolar Workbook 1 2020 Chris Aiken Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Rock Steady: Brilliant Advice From My Bipolar Life 1 2018 Ellen Forney Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Preventing Bipolar Relapse: A Lifestyle Program to Help You Maintain a Balanced Mood and Live Well 1 2014 Ruth C. White Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 0 Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me: A Graphic Memoir 1 2012 Ellen Forney Biography Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today 1 2003 Julia Ross Self-help Moods
+ 1 0 0 Practical Management of Bipolar Disorder 1 2010 Allan H. Young and I. Nicol Ferrier and Erin E. Michalak Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 0 Depression, the Mood Disease 1 2006 Francis Mark Mondimore Self-help Depression
+ 2 0 0 Practical Psychopharmacology 1 2021 Joseph F. Goldberg and Stephen M. Stahl Reference Psychopharmacology
+ 1 0 0 Clinical Handbook for the Management of Mood Disorders 1 2013 J. John Mann and Patrick J. McGrath and Steven P. Roose Reference Moods
+ 1 0 0 Bipolar Disorder: An Information Guide 2 2013 CAMH Bipolar Clinic Staff Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Break the Bipolar Cycle: A Day-by-Day Guide to Living with Bipolar Disorder 1 2008 Elizabeth Brondolo Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed 1 2012 Janelle M. Caponigro and Erica H. Lee and Sheri L Johnson and Ann M. Kring Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Concise Guide to Bipolar Disorder 1 2022 Francis Mark Mondimore Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Everything Health Guide to Adult Bipolar Disorder: A Reassuring Guide for Patients and Families 1 2014 Dean A Haycock Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Bipolar Disorder: Insights for Recovery 2 2003 Jane Mountain Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Two Bipolar Chicks Guide to Survival: Tips for Living with Bipolar Disorder 1 2014 Wendy Williamson and Honora Rose Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 A Brilliant Madness: Living with Manic Depressive Illness 1 1993 Patty Duke and Gloria Hochman Self-help Manic Depression
+ 1 0 29 Manic-Depressive Illness 2 2007 Frederick Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jamison Textbook Manic Depression
+ 2 0 0 Mood Genes: Hunting for Origins of Mania and Depression 1 1999 Samuel H. Barondes Reference Manic Depression
+ 1 0 0 Managing Manic Depressive Disorders 1 1997 Ved Varma Self-help Manic Depression
+ 4 Yes 0 Nutrition and Diet Therapy Reference Dictionary 4 1996 Rosalinda T. Lagua and Virginia S. Claudio Reference Diet
+ 3 Yes 0 The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet 2 1996 John Mark Freeman and Millicent T. Kelly and Jennifer B. Freeman Self-help Epilepsy
+ 3 Yes 0 Epilepsy: Problem Solving in Clinical Practice 1 2000 Steven C Schachter and Dieter Schmidt Self-help Epilepsy
+ 3 Yes 0 Treating Epilepsy Naturally: A Guide to Alternative and Adjunct Therapies 1 2001 Patricia Murphy Self-help Epilepsy
+ 3 Yes 0 Ketogenic Diet Therapies for Epilepsy and Other Conditions 7 2020 Eric Kossoff and Zahava Turner and Mackenzie C. Cervenka and Bobbie J. Barron Self-help Epilepsy
+ 3 Yes 0 Epilepsy Across the Spectrum: Promoting Health and Understanding 1 2012 Institute of Medicine Reference Epilepsy
+ 1 0 0 Healing Depression & Bipolar Disorder Without Drugs: Inspiring Stories of Restoring Mental Health Through Natural Therapies 1 2006 Gracelyn Guyol Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Natural Medicine Guide to Bipolar Disorder: New Revised Edition 2 2011 Stephanie Marohn Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Bipolar Disorder Answer Book: Professional Answers to More than 275 Top Questions 1 2007 Charles Atkins Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Bipolar 2: Creating The Right Bipolar Diet & Nutritional Plan to Deal with Bipolar Type II Today 1 2015 Samantha Rose Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Tao of Bipolar: Using Meditation and Mindfulness to Find Balance and Peace 1 2013 C. Alexander Simpkins and Annellen M. Simpkins Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Bipolar Advantage 1 2006 Tom Wootton Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 The Homeopathic Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar and Other Mental and Emotional Problems: Homeopathic Alternatives to Conventional Drug Therapy 1 2012 Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert William Ullman Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 0 When Screams Become Whispers: One Man’s Inspiring Victory Over Bipolar Disorder 1 2021 Bob Krulish and Alee Anderson Biography Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Surviving Manic Depression: A Manual on Bipolar Disorder for Patients, Families, and Providers 1 2005 E Fuller Torrey and Michael B Knable Self-help Manic Depression
+ 1 0 0 Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for You and Your Loved Ones 4 2020 Francis Mark Mondimore Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Owning Bipolar: How Patients and Families Can Take Control of Bipolar Disorder 1 2018 Michael G. Pipich Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Understanding and Loving a Person with Bipolar Disorder: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion 1 2018 Stephen Arterburn and Becky Lyke Brown Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder 1 2000 George T. Lynn Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0.3 0 Understanding Bipolar Disorder: The Essential Family Guide 1 2020 Aimee Daramus Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 0 Bipolar, Not So Much: Understanding Your Mood Swings and Depression 1 2017 James R. Phelps and Chris Aiken Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 0 Burn Rate: Launching a Startup and Losing My Mind 1 2022 Andy Dunn Biography Bipolar
Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
4 hours ago
Changed around line 6: header.scroll
- mediumColumns 1
+ container 600px
Changed around line 44: I still have a ton to learn but I wanted to share this simple book scan in case
+ clearStack
+ container 1000px
+ bpBooks.tsv
+ printTable
+ tableSearch
Changed around line 1
+ SearchGroup KetoMentions Title Edition Year Author Category Focus Amazon
+ 1 0 Mastering Bipolar Disorder: An Insider's Guide to Managing Mood Swings and Finding Balance 1 2008 Kerrie Eyers and Gordon Parker Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Bipolar Disorder Survival Guide 2 2010 David J. Miklowitz Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Bipolar Disorder For Dummies 4 2023 Candida Fink and Joseph Kraynak Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder 1 2006 Julie A. Fast Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 3 Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder 2 2023 Julie A. Fast and John Preston Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Bipolar Workbook 2 2015 Monica Ramirez Basco Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 Madness: A Bipolar Life 1 2009 Marya Hornbacher Biography Bipolar
+ 2 0 An Unquiet Mind 1 1995 Kay Redfield Jamison Biography Bipolar
+ 2 0 Touched with Fire: Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament 1 1996 Kay Redfield Jamison Biography Bipolar
+ 1 0 Bipolar II: Enhance Your Highs, Boost Your Creativity, and Escape the Cycles of Recurrent Depression 1 2006 Ronald Fieve Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Loving Someone with Bipolar Disorder 2 2012 Julie A. Fast Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Bipolar II Disorder Workbook: Managing Recurring Depression, Hypomania, and Anxiety 1 2013 Stephanie McMurrich Roberts and Louisa Grandin Sylvia and Noreen A. Reilly-Harrington Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Raising a Moody Child: How to Cope with Depression and Bipolar Disorder 1 2004 Mary A. Fristad and Jill S. Goldberg Arnold Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Bipolar Teen: What You Can Do to Help Your Child and Your Family 1 2007 David J. Miklowitz and Elizabeth L. George Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Your Child Does Not Have Bipolar Disorder: How Bad Science and Good Public Relations Created the Diagnosis 1 2011 Stuart L Kaplan Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Bipolar Child: The Definitive and Reassuring Guide to Childhood's Most Misunderstood Disorder 3 2007 Demitri Papolos and Janice Papolos Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Bipolar Kids: Helping Your Child Find Calm in the Mood Storm 1 2008 Rosalie Greenberg Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Bipolar 101: A Practical Guide to Identifying Triggers, Managing Medications, Coping with Symptoms, and More 1 2009 Ruth C. White and John D. Preston Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 Sure, I'll Join Your Cult: A Memoir of Mental Illness and the Quest to Belong Anywhere 1 2023 Maria Bamford Biography Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Workbook for Bipolar Disorder 1 2009 Sheri Van Dijk and Zindel V. Segal Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Depression and Bipolar Workbook 1 2020 Chris Aiken Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Rock Steady: Brilliant Advice From My Bipolar Life 1 2018 Ellen Forney Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Preventing Bipolar Relapse: A Lifestyle Program to Help You Maintain a Balanced Mood and Live Well 1 2014 Ruth C. White Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me: A Graphic Memoir 1 2012 Ellen Forney Biography Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Mood Cure: The 4-Step Program to Take Charge of Your Emotions--Today 1 2003 Julia Ross Self-help Moods
+ 1 0 Practical Management of Bipolar Disorder 1 2010 Allan H. Young and I. Nicol Ferrier and Erin E. Michalak Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 Depression, the Mood Disease 1 2006 Francis Mark Mondimore Self-help Depression
+ 2 0 Practical Psychopharmacology 1 2021 Joseph F. Goldberg and Stephen M. Stahl Reference Psychopharmacology
+ 1 0 Clinical Handbook for the Management of Mood Disorders 1 2013 J. John Mann and Patrick J. McGrath and Steven P. Roose Reference Moods
+ 1 0 Bipolar Disorder: An Information Guide 2 2013 CAMH Bipolar Clinic Staff Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Break the Bipolar Cycle: A Day-by-Day Guide to Living with Bipolar Disorder 1 2008 Elizabeth Brondolo Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for the Newly Diagnosed 1 2012 Janelle M. Caponigro and Erica H. Lee and Sheri L Johnson and Ann M. Kring Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Concise Guide to Bipolar Disorder 1 2022 Francis Mark Mondimore Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Everything Health Guide to Adult Bipolar Disorder: A Reassuring Guide for Patients and Families 1 2014 Dean A Haycock Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Bipolar Disorder: Insights for Recovery 2 2003 Jane Mountain Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Two Bipolar Chicks Guide to Survival: Tips for Living with Bipolar Disorder 1 2014 Wendy Williamson and Honora Rose Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 A Brilliant Madness: Living with Manic Depressive Illness 1 1993 Patty Duke and Gloria Hochman Self-help Manic Depression
+ 1 0 Manic-Depressive Illness 2 2007 Frederick Goodwin and Kay Redfield Jamison Textbook Manic Depression
+ 2 0 Mood Genes: Hunting for Origins of Mania and Depression 1 1999 Samuel H. Barondes Reference Manic Depression
+ 1 0 Managing Manic Depressive Disorders 1 1997 Ved Varma Self-help Manic Depression
+ 4 Yes Nutrition and Diet Therapy Reference Dictionary 4 1996 Rosalinda T. Lagua and Virginia S. Claudio Reference Diet
+ 3 Yes The Epilepsy Diet Treatment: An Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet 2 1996 John Mark Freeman and Millicent T. Kelly and Jennifer B. Freeman Self-help Epilepsy
+ 3 Yes Epilepsy: Problem Solving in Clinical Practice 1 2000 Steven C Schachter and Dieter Schmidt Self-help Epilepsy
+ 3 Yes Treating Epilepsy Naturally: A Guide to Alternative and Adjunct Therapies 1 2001 Patricia Murphy Self-help Epilepsy
+ 3 Yes Ketogenic Diet Therapies for Epilepsy and Other Conditions 7 2020 Eric Kossoff and Zahava Turner and Mackenzie C. Cervenka and Bobbie J. Barron Self-help Epilepsy
+ 3 Yes Epilepsy Across the Spectrum: Promoting Health and Understanding 1 2012 Institute of Medicine Reference Epilepsy
+ 1 0 Healing Depression & Bipolar Disorder Without Drugs: Inspiring Stories of Restoring Mental Health Through Natural Therapies 1 2006 Gracelyn Guyol Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Natural Medicine Guide to Bipolar Disorder: New Revised Edition 2 2011 Stephanie Marohn Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Bipolar Disorder Answer Book: Professional Answers to More than 275 Top Questions 1 2007 Charles Atkins Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Bipolar 2: Creating The Right Bipolar Diet & Nutritional Plan to Deal with Bipolar Type II Today 1 2015 Samantha Rose Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Tao of Bipolar: Using Meditation and Mindfulness to Find Balance and Peace 1 2013 C. Alexander Simpkins and Annellen M. Simpkins Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Bipolar Advantage 1 2006 Tom Wootton Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 The Homeopathic Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar and Other Mental and Emotional Problems: Homeopathic Alternatives to Conventional Drug Therapy 1 2012 Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Robert William Ullman Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 When Screams Become Whispers: One Man’s Inspiring Victory Over Bipolar Disorder 1 2021 Bob Krulish and Alee Anderson Biography Bipolar
+ 1 0 Surviving Manic Depression: A Manual on Bipolar Disorder for Patients, Families, and Providers 1 2005 E Fuller Torrey and Michael B Knable Self-help Manic Depression
+ 1 0 Bipolar Disorder: A Guide for You and Your Loved Ones 4 2020 Francis Mark Mondimore Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Owning Bipolar: How Patients and Families Can Take Control of Bipolar Disorder 1 2018 Michael G. Pipich Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Understanding and Loving a Person with Bipolar Disorder: Biblical and Practical Wisdom to Build Empathy, Preserve Boundaries, and Show Compassion 1 2018 Stephen Arterburn and Becky Lyke Brown Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Survival Strategies for Parenting Children with Bipolar Disorder 1 2000 George T. Lynn Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0.3 Understanding Bipolar Disorder: The Essential Family Guide 1 2020 Aimee Daramus Self-help Bipolar
+ 1 0 Bipolar, Not So Much: Understanding Your Mood Swings and Depression 1 2017 James R. Phelps and Chris Aiken Self-help Bipolar
+ 2 0 Burn Rate: Launching a Startup and Losing My Mind 1 2022 Andy Dunn Biography Bipolar
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Breck Yunits
Breck Yunits
4 hours ago
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